Thanks for the kudos, Jude, but this will be hillarious! I want everyone to use our site to pull each other closer to one another through your contact info, family pictures, comments, messages, and your help in finding classmates that may have fallen off the radar. I realize this isn't facebook (although I might throw a page up this week-end....hhmmmm), but as simple as it is, I think the site could be a great way for all of us to catch up with one another, show off our grandkids, husbands, dogs (cats too), and maybe find a connecton that we hadn't planned on just by communicating! Let's try it and see what happens. If you have any suggestions for the site or just a crazy idea you want to bounce off us, email me and I'll see what I can do. No recipe sharing just yet, but if I can figure it out...okay, okay, okay!!!
Darn it, now I can't find my glasses!
Chris Brennan